Step 1

If you have not already provided these documents, please send the following to [email protected].

  • Driver’s License | State ID
  • Social Security Card or Birth Certificate (can be given to supervisor at a later time)
  • Auto-Insurance Card (Must be current and contain full coverage)
  • Picture of your vehicle

Step 2

Locate and fill out the following forms.

  • W4
  • I9 Verification
  • Direct Deposit Authorization
  • DHS | DSPD Code Of Conduct
  • Criminal Background Screening Authorization Form (Not the COVID-19 form)

Step 3

If you have any of the following certifications or trainings previously completed, please collect them and turn them in to a member of the admin team, or email them to [email protected]

  • CPR | First Aid Certification
  • TB Test Results (Tuberculosis)
    • Chest X-ray if necessary
  • Food Handler’s Permit
  • Driving Record Check
  • Any other licenses or certifications that may apply

If you do not have a current copy of any of the above items, please send a text or email to 385-434-3408 | [email protected] outlining the remaining items you still need to complete.

Step 4 (If Applicable)

You will need to obtain a copy of your driving record. Please ensure you go to the link below. Do not go to a third party website, they will try to charge you $75. The record request should only be around $8.00.

If you do not have a Utah driver’s license, please use your state government DMV website to obtain a record report from the state you received your driver’s license and send the final report to [email protected].