Please read through the following 18 sections, then click on the link to take the competency test for that specific section.

*Plan for an estimated 1 hour and 10 minutes to complete these state mandated courses.*
*Please keep track of the tests you complete to ensure you take them all. Good luck!*

Emergency Preparedness

  • If a staff on duty fears for the immediate safety of the residents, they should evacuate the premises immediately, and then contact their direct supervisor and/or other key personnel.
  • The ultimate responsibility of staff in an evacuation is to protect the safety of their people. Under no circumstances should they abandon the people in their supervision.
  • Incident Reporting procedures are outlined in the company policy and provide a way to report physical injury, abuse, criminal acts, drug/alcohol abuse, med errors, missing persons, seizures, restraint or property destruction.
  • If a person that you serve has a behavior and needs physical intervention you MUST fill out an incident report (Form I-8).
  • You should call 911 if immediate professional medical attention is needed, you or a resident is in fatal or near fatal danger, or you feel there is no other option available to you in an emergency.
  • You must call a doctor or hospital if the individual(s) you are serving seems to be sick, vomiting or has a moderate/severe physical injury.
  • Incident reports are the main tool to communicate incidents to the Behaviorist and the Support Coordinator.
  • Seizures are not necessarily common and immediate medical attention may be necessary.
  • If an individual is having a seizure you should: cushion the person’s head, loosen any tight neckwear, turn the person on his or her side, do not hold the person down or restrain the person, do not place anything in the mouth or try to pry the teeth apart.


Catastrophic Emergency & Civic Crisis Procedures

  • Staff is required to call 911 if the following circumstances arise and are not limited to: fire, earthquake, flood, severe thunderstorm, power/heat failure of a long duration, a civil defense emergency, bomb threat, gas leak or odor, or terrorist attack.
  • If a staff on duty fears for the immediate safety of the residents, they should evacuate the premises immediately, and then contact their direct supervisor or other key personnel.
  • Imminent danger is defined as a situation where injury to the individual or another person is threateningly close at hand. It is an emergency situation.
  • We do not have the right to take things away from the people we serve unless there is imminent danger.
  • If you are in a situation with a person you serve and you need help, you should contact your supervisor. If you can’t contact the supervisor you should call through the chain of command until you get a hold of someone to help.
  • All TNS facilities have Emergency Preparedness plans. All employees need to review the plans and know the components.
  • All TNS facilities have 72 hour kits and sleeping bags for the use of the people we serve in case of emergency situations.
  • Staff must notify their supervisor or other TNS authorities if they are injured on the job


Positive Behavior Supports

  • TNS encourages positive behavior by providing freedom, choice of actions, and self-determination.
  • Staff must positively reinforce good behavior by offering praise, being respectful and verbally encouraging the individual.
  • Staff’s values and attitudes directly correlate with the individuals behavior.
  • Building a healthy and positive relationship with and individual that you serve can result in an enhanced and more pleasurable lifestyle and a reduction of problem behaviors.
  • Physical restraint/intervention should be the ‘last resort’ in a problem situation.
  • One of the main aspects of staff responsibility is to teach the individuals under their care life skills to benefit and enrich their lives.


Legal Rights of Persons with Disabilities

  • Persons with disabilities are guaranteed the same rights under the Constitution as all other individuals.
  • Forcing an individual to live in an unsanitary environment is a clear violation of their rights.
  • Medical, dental, and dietary attention is not at the discretion of TNS.
  • Individuals are not required to attend church or any other religious congregation as part of being enrolled in the program.
  • All individuals have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
  • Individuals are to be allowed privacy, time alone, and/or a private place.
  • Occasional verbal abuse from staff is unacceptable and will result in immediate disciplinary action.
  • Residents reserve the right to manage their own financial affairs regardless of the amount (if any) of assistance they need.
  • Supportive services (i.e. speech therapy, behavior modification, physical therapy, etc.) are rights protected by TNS and the state.
  • Residents have the right to be recognized for their individuality and uniqueness.


Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation

  • TNS wants all employees to use “people first language.”
  • TNS does not believe that ignoring an individual is the best way for them to learn how to do something on their own.
  • Calling the people we serve by their first name is allowed and expected.
  • It is unacceptable to label the people we serve with nick names.
  • It is unacceptable to call the people we serve names that are descriptive of their personality or their looks.
  • Labeling the individuals within TNS services is unacceptable, as are any derogatory names directed at the individuals.
  • We are not allowed to call the people we serve “retards.”
  • The proper way to introduce the people you serve would be to introduce them by name instead of saying “these are the clients I work with.”
  • Calling the people we serve derogatory or demeaning names, even in a joking of fun way, would warrant corrective action and would jeopardize your employment.


DHS | DSPD Provider Code of Conduct

Please download this form and review it. You will need to sign accordance and acknowledgment to the rules and regulations found therein.

  • TNS employees are not allowed to buy, sell, borrow or lend items or property to or from the people the company serves.
  • Utah State Law protects both children and disabled adults from abuse, neglect, maltreatment and/or exploitation.
  • Causing harm, use of corporal punishment, and/or the threat of physical harm are acts of abuse according to the Code of Conduct.
  • All injuries to the individuals we serve must be documented in writing and reported immediately to supervisory personnel.
  • Employees are morally, and legally responsible to report suspected incidents of abuse, neglect, maltreatment and exploitation to their supervisor.
  • Coming to work under the influence of alcohol is a violation of TNS policy and the Code of Conduct, and would be considered an act of neglect.
  • Having a person, which receives services from TNS, help you move or perform yard work without appropriate payment of their labor would be considered an act of exploitation according to the provider Code of Conduct.
  • Using obscene and offensive language in the presence of people served by TNS would be inappropriate, and an act of abuse according to the Code of Conduct.
  • Any act that is sexual in nature, between an TNS staff member and a person receiving services from TNS is cause for immediate termination and is a severe violation of the Code of Conduct.
  • Forcing a person receiving services from TNS to do pushups as a punishment is against the Code of Conduct and will not be tolerated.


Confidentiality Policies

  • Staff are not authorized to release documents to other agencies.
  • TNS employees are not authorized to release any information concerning a resident, including the fact that they are served by this organization, unless authorized to do so by an TNS Administrative employee.
  • Written information must be kept confidential and should not be left out where others can view it.
  • Staff should not discuss a resident’s record with unauthorized individuals whether on or off duty.
  • Persons reviewing the residents’ files not employed by TNS or the state and its’ agencies should sign an “Access to Persons Records” form.
  • All information concerning residents will be treated as confidential.
  • Confidential information must be locked up securely.
  • Employees can be dismissed for a breach of confidentiality.
  • If someone wants information concerning one of the people in services you should refer them to your direct supervisor.


Orientation to Persons with Disabilities

  • Cerebral Palsy is not one condition, but a variety of neurological conditions.
  • The individual’s needs define the services they receive not the diagnosis.
  • An estimated 156 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with mental retardation.
  • People with disabilities, like all people, have unique personalities.
  • There is no known cure for epilepsy, however, there are known treatments that have been shown to be effective in maintaining the disability.
  • Three out of four people with Autism are males.
  • Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy and Autism are considered to be Developmental Disabilities.
  • Individuals with disabilities don’t necessarily have the same mannerisms, personality, challenges, and/or strengths, and therefore should not receive identical treatment.


Medication Side Effects

  • Medication side effects are predictable but unpleasant reactions to a medication.
  • Side effects are usually mild but can be inconvenient. In some cases, they are more serious.
  • Before a person uses an over the counter medication, the nurse must approve its usage.
  • The people we serve are evaluated by their nurse to help determine if it is proper to self-medicate.
  • A persons medical and dental forms are kept in the person’s white information folder.
  • The person’s primary care physician is listed in the person’s white information folder.
  • Staff must immediately contact the nurse if there is a medication error.
  • Staff must document if a person refuses to take their medications.
  • TNS strongly encourages staff and residents to learn about the medications they take.


Prevention of Communicable Disease

  • There are approximately 100 common communicable diseases worldwide.
  • The following are common communicable diseases: Tuberculosis, West Nile Virus, Shingles, Rabies, Lice, Hepatitis B, Botulism.
  • The best way to prevent infectious disease is by washing your hands regularly.
  • Sanitize the home regularly by cleaning and washing surfaces using proper chemicals and products.
  • Employees must be conscious of sanitation and cleanliness.
  • Handling food for individuals you serve requires a food handler’s


Disability, Supports, and Individual Strengths

  • Most disabilities are dissimilar and require various types of supports and strategies.
  • Herb Lovett once pointed out that an approach or support is not automatically positive just because it is not punitive or punishing.
  • It is strongly encouraged by TNS management that you become as knowledgeable as possible about the specific disability of the individual(s) that you serve.
  • A question that you may have about an individual’s disability can typically be answered by your supervisor or company administrator.
  • All people with disabilities don’t necessarily have the same needs and should not be treated the same.
  • Every person, including disabled individuals, have specific strengths and desires. You should always try to respect and enhance people’s lives by educating yourself on their individual needs and strengths.
  • Studying an individual’s ‘Support Strategies,’ located in the staff binder, is a great way to learn about how to provide the required supports specific to that individual.


Protective Services (APS | CPS)

  • Family members cannot be discounted in regards to who may be contributing to the risk of a child who is a victim of abuse, neglect, or dependency.
  • Staff’s assessment of immediate risk, safety, and protection needs of an individual is crucial to that person’s well being.
  • In Utah, the law (62A-3-305 and 76-5-111.1) states that any person who has reason to believe that an elder or disabled adult is being abused, neglected or exploited must immediately report the situation to Adult Protective Services intake or the nearest law enforcement office. All reporters are immune from civil liability, and all information is confidential.
  • You should contact Adult Protective Services immediately if you have reason to believe that a vulnerable adult has been the subject of abuse, neglect or exploitation.
  • You must contact Child and Family Services immediately if you have reason to believe that a child has been the subject of abuse, neglect or exploitation.


Behavior Crisis Prevention & Intervention

  • The Human Rights Committee reviews all behavior programs to make sure that a person’s rights are not being violated.
  • Focus on non-aversive techniques as a first response in behavioral crisis prevention and intervention.
  • An individual’s ‘Support Strategies’ will help you to understand a person’s needed supports and teach you how to respond in the event of a problem behavior.
  • A proactive approach (more time spent before a problem) vs. a reactive approach (more time spent during a problem) is the expectation for all staff.
  • Crisis management is not a substitute for building good relationships or for teaching replacement skills.
  • Responding to a behavioral crisis by restraining an individual is not typically the best way de-escalate the situation.


Behavior Management

  • If the person receiving services is likely to engage in aggressive, self-injurious or destructive behavior, certification is required in a behavior management program.
  • Behavior management training promotes positive approaches that enhance a person’s life through collaboration instead of control.
  • One of the philosophies of behavior management is to focus on the individual’s point of view instead of eliminating situations or circumstances we perceive to be unacceptable.
  • If you do not complete your behavior management training within the given time frames corrective action may take place.
  • If a behavior management program is necessary Staff is required to achieve certification training no later than 60 days post hire date.


DHS | DSPD Rules, Philosophy, Mission & Beliefs

  • Team building one of DHS/DSPD’s values.
  • DSPD’s mission includes providing the opportunity for persons with disabilities to be part of the community.
  • DSPD believes that decision making ought to occur with as much input from the individual as possible.
  • Integration into the community by working and associating with other persons in the community is important to DSPD.
  • DSPD services should be facilitative (not restrictive) to the persons receiving services.
  • DSPD is committed to: Promote and recognize excellence, Continue a person-centered philosophy, Promote public awareness of disability issues, Work collaboratively to dissolve barriers to quality service, Support a full spectrum of service options, Support self-determination.
  • A natural support is a person that interacts with the people we serve, but is not paid to do so.
  • DSPD stands for Division of Services for People with Disabilities.


TNS Policy, Philosophy & Mission

  • TNS seeks to deliver services with a minimum of limitation, intrusion disruption or departure from commonly accepted patterns of living.
  • TNS believes that decision-making ought to occur with as much input from the individual as possible.
  • Team building is one of TNS’ values.
  • TNS promotes individual rights, self-determination, and community access.
  • One of TNS’  philosophies is to create a fun, safe and educational environment for the individuals in which we serve.
  • TNS Mission: “To improve the quality of life of the individuals we serve by choosing to be different; by allowing our individuals to make mistakes in order to then learn from them. We all want compassion and understanding in our shortcomings. It is only right that True North’s mission is to provide that same platform for the individuals within our scope of care. It is our greatest effort to afford our individuals the ability to re-align and effectively progress.”


Americans with Disability Act (ADA)

  • The employment section of the ADA does not require TNS to hire individuals with disabilities if they are not qualified.
  • Staff cannot park a company car that has the handicapped sticker in handicapped parking unless they are actively transporting a person with disabilities.
  • A blind person would not be considered a qualified applicant for the position of a bus driver.
  • The ADA protects people with disabilities from discrimination.
  • The five titles under the ADA cover: employment, public services, public accommodations, telecommunications, and miscellaneous protections.
  • The people we serve are covered under the ADA.
  • Negative attitudes and misconceptions towards people with disabilities can be some of the greatest barriers to employment.
  • ADA stands for: Americans with Disabilities Act.


Emergency Procedures (CPR | First Aid)

  • CPR and First Aid certification training is still necessary even if you are an Eagle Scout.
  • Emergency procedures training such as First Aid and CPR, including the Heimlich Maneuver, is required by DSPD and TNS.
  • If you do not complete your CPR/First Aid training with in the given time frames corrective action may take place.
  • Employees have up to 3 months to complete the CPR/First Aid training.



You have completed the competency training!