Emergency Procedures Name* First Last Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Time* Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Question 1: If a staff on duty fears for the immediate safety of the clients, they should evacuate the premises immediately, and then contact their direct supervisor and other key personnel.*True or False? True False Question 2: The ultimate responsibility of staff in an evacuation is to protect the safety of their clients. Under no circumstances should they abandon the clients in their supervision.*True or False? True False Question 3: Incident Reporting procedures are outlined in the company policy and provide a way to report physical injury, abuse, criminal acts, drug/alcohol abuse, med errors, missing persons, seizures, restraint or property destruction.*True or False? True False Question 4: If a person that you serve has a behavior and needs physical intervention you do not need to fill out an incident report (Form 1-8).* True False Question 5: You should call 911 if immediate professional medical attention is needed, you or a resident is in fatal or near fatal danger, or you feel there is no other option available to you in an emergency.*True or False? True False Question 6: You should not call a doctor or hospital if the individual(s) you are serving seems to be sick, vomiting or has a moderate/severe physical injury.*True or False? True False Question 7: Incident reports are the main tool to communicate incidents to the Behaviorist, the Support Coordinator, and other state members/agencies.*True or False? True False Question 8: Seizures are common and immediate medical attention is not necessary.*True or False? True False Question 9: If an individual is having a seizure you should: cushion the person's head, loosen any tight neckwear, turn the person on his or her side, do not hold the person down or restrain the person, do not place anything in the mouth or try to pry the teeth apart.*True or False? True False HiddenAnswers: True: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 False: 4, 6, 8Answers: True: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 False: 4, 6, 8