The mark of a great employee is not only in their ability to understand and complete their job duties and responsibilities effectively, but to efficiently document the work that they’ve done knowing that it is equally just as important.

“If it isn’t documented, then it didn’t happen.”

Please keep in mind that each shift and each experience with our clients, whether positive or negative, should be documented appropriately. This documentation is the foundation of job performance and weighs heavily in our internal and annual state audits.

If there is ever any question about how to fill out paperwork appropriately, please refer to the following trainings and tutorials to answer any of your potential questions. Client specific training will be provided once your work begins. If these do not answer your initial questions, please contact your supervisor who will be ready and willing to help you.

Some core guidelines to remember when filling out paperwork:

1. Be clear and detailed, but to the point.
2. Don’t use emotion or drama in describing behavior, attitude, or inappropriate conduct. Your experience may seem like or may even be a personal attack, but this should never affect your professionalism with documentation.
3. Provide pertinent and adequate information. Please avoid skimping on providing important info because you are in a hurry.
4. Write in third person.
5. Please pay attention to the spelling, the grammar and the math.

Do your best, it is not a test, but these core guidelines are pertinent to be able to effectively do your job. If problems with paperwork are severe and consistent enough, it may result in corrective action and/or termination.


Please scroll through the following information as it pertains to the paperwork you will be required to complete.

Tutorial | Training index

1. Timesheet
2. Support Strategy (9 min. 51 sec.)
3. Monthly Summary
4. Mileage Reimbursement Form
5. Incident Report (11 min. 21 sec.)
6. Where can I find blank forms to download?
7. In what ways can I fill out the required paperwork? When is it due?

1. Timesheet | Client Hourly Log

This is the easy part…

In the TSheets app: clocking in, filling out your timesheet, the shift data and then clocking out will complete these forms simultaneously. TNS Admin will pull the necessary data and forms from the app.

2. Support Strategy (SS)

We are currently transferring all support strategies to electronic google forms. This form is outdated, but we may need to use a few hard copy forms depending on client’s needs. Review of this form and how to utilize the form will be important to know. You must complete the support strategies after each shift and document the individual’s progress with each of their PCSP | Support Strategy goals. SS shift date and time must match exactly to timesheet shift date and time.

The Support Strategies (and the monthly summaries) will be turned in by hand by the 5th of every month.

Please watch the SS tutorial video below

Use “Full-Screen” mode to see details clearly

Key notes:

  • Support Strategy goals are pulled directly from the PCSP (Person Centered Support Plan). This is why we are even in business. To support our clients with their goals.
  • “Plan year” matters. The client’s funding is renewed at each start of the new plan year. This may cause some adjustments in weekly hours worked with a client throughout the year.
  • Keep a mental tab on how the client is doing with each of their SS goals as you will need to report their progress at the end of the month on a Monthly Summary.
  • Support Strategies are due once a month (with the Monthly Summaries) by 5:00 pm on the 5th day of the following month. Ex. January’s completed Support Strategies and Monthly Summaries are due by 5:00 pm on February 5th.
  • SS reflect your job focus with each client. They detail exactly what you need to be doing while on shift.
  • SS need to be filled out after each shift you work.
  • If you are training or shadowing a second staff, only one of you must fill out the SS.
  • Client specific training on Support Strategies will happen when you begin working with a specific client.
  • If you have questions, never hesitate to ask.

3. Monthly Summary Report

The monthly summaries are a direct summary of the individual’s progress with their Support Strategy goals. Please use the support strategies to write a summary of each goal and send it in an email to [email protected].

Document significant events, remain professional, and focused. These summaries are sent to the individual’s support coordinator and are viewed by the state.

Key notes:

  • Monthly Summary Reports correlate directly with the Support Strategy goals. Get familiar with the form and its purpose so we can utilize it effectively.
  • The summary provides the ‘proof’ of your work with the client on their PCSP goals.
  • This is exactly why we are in business. To be able to do this better than anyone else. To help the client progress steadily and consistently.
  • Remember the paperwork core rules: No emotional responses, be detailed but to the point, use proper grammar, write in 3rd person, and maintain professionalism.
  • The summary is due at the same time as the support strategies: before 5:00 pm on the 5th of the following month. Ex. January’s SS and MSR is due February 5th.
  • Always contact your supervisor if there are any issues.
  • If you have questions, never hesitate to ask.

4. Mileage Reimbursement Form

Key notes:

  • Reimbursement is not given for travel to and from work locations.
  • Current mileage reimbursement is provided on an individual basis. There is no current policy for reimbursement of miles.

5. Behavior | Incident Report

These forms will be PDF fillable until we can transfer them to online/electronic copies. In the meantime, become familiar with the incident report form and how to document incidents.

Please watch the Incident Report tutorial below:

Although an electronic (fillable) version is not required for you to fill this out, you may request an electronic copy for ease of use, or you can just fill out the form by hand

Use “Full-Screen” mode to see details clearly

Behavior | Incident Report Tutorial

Key notes:

  • Behavior | Incident Reports are completed for many reasons. Become familiar with the form and its purpose so you can utilize it effectively.
  • True North staff members are required to document all incidents within 24 hours of the incident.
  • Details of the “before, during, & after” are required.
  • If you are logging a med-error, or a positive behavior, “Not Applicable” may apply in most areas of the form.
  • Remember the paperwork core rules: No emotional responses, be detailed but to the point, use proper grammar, write in 3rd person, and maintain professionalism.
  • Behavior intervention programs (restraints) will not be used until True North acquires a client that requires a restraint program. Once this happens all staff will be trained and documentation will be necessary.
  • Always contact your supervisor if there is an incident report filled out.
  • If you have questions, never hesitate to ask.

6. Where can I find blank forms to download?


All forms (minus the individuals support strategies) are accessible through the employee portal. If you ever need help finding or coming up with a form, please ask. These can be provided to you as needed.

7. In what ways do I fill out the required paperwork? And when is it due?

  1. Support Strategies:
    1. This form will be in your staff binder, must be filled out by hand, and must be turned in by the 5th of each following month.
  2. Mileage Reimbursement:
    1. Not Applicable
  3. Incident Reports:
    1. This form will be in your staff binder, must be filled out by hand, black ink, and must be turned in within 24 hours of the incident. (until electronic forms become available)
  4. Monthly Summaries
    1. DSP’s: This is an email completed and turned in no later than the 5th day of the following month.
    2. SLM’s: This is an electronic form completed monthly after compounding DSP monthly summaries.
  5. Time-sheets
    1. Complete by using the TSheets App
  6. Client Hourly Logs
    1. Complete by using the TSheets App

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