Ongoing Training
New employee’s please continue…

Welcome to True North Supports!
As a contracted provider with the Department of Services for People with Disabilities we are given specific instructions and guidelines that are pertinent for each of our team members to fully understand and comply with. We have attempted to simplify the on-boarding process by making everything electronically accessible to you. You will need to know and understand job duties, what is expected of you and how to be the best staff you can be. If you, at any point of your employment, are unclear regarding your job expectations, roles, and responsibilities, it is your responsibility to ask. We are happy to help as you need and these resources will always be here for your reference and learning.

Please read through and review each of the following six training sections below. You will need to sign and attest to the knowledge and understanding of the provided forms, trainings, information, guidelines, and policies & procedures listed therein. Each link will open a new web browsing window.

  1. Job Duties
  2. Legal Forms
  3. Employee Manual
  4. Paperwork Training
  5. App Training
  6. 30 Day Training

Competency Training

Please plan 1 – 2 hours to complete this training phase in its entirety.

Competency Training | Tests